How to Get Rid of Bed Bugs in 9 Different Steps 2024

We all must have heard the phrase good night sleep tight don’t let the bugs bite. Most of us just thought of it as a phrase but did you know that once you’ll get these bugs into your function it gets difficult how to get rid of bed bugs right away! These are all bugs that can easily reproduce in a huge amount with their females laying more than 500 eggs in the entire lifespan.

How to Get Rid of Bed Bugs

Not only that it’ll mess up your house once it gets to your furniture but if it reaches your bed then you’ll be left with redness, itchiness on the spots that surround your body. There are many effective home remedies and store-bought chemical products that can help you get away from these bed bugs without worrying too much.

In this blog, we’ll be suggesting different ways about how to get rid of bed bugs from your house and furniture. Also check out how to get rid of fruit flies.

9 Easy Steps to Get Rid of the Bed Bugs

1. Locate all infected areas

Once your house has been infested by bedbugs, you’ll have to look for the areas with the most population. This can also be the area from which these bugs must have entered your house and started creating a mess. If you detect a smaller infestation then it’ll be quick and cheap for you, however, these small areas are difficult to locate.

If you want to get it done faster then invest in a detailed professional inspection. They usually look for the most common hiding spot for them or let a trained dog detect bugs by their smell. You can also do this task all by yourself, just start by looking for narrow places including:

Easy Steps to Get Rid of the Bed Bugs
  • Seams of sofas or beds near the tags
  • Between cushions in couches
  • Curtain folds
  • Bed frame cracks or headstand
  • Baseboard
  • Joints of different furniture
  • Under worn up wallpaper
  • Inside electric panels
  • Behind wall art or paintings

2. Restrict Infestation to a certain area

After you have found the source of bedbugs in your house then it’s time for you to restrict them to only that area. The best way of doing it is by trapping it through a vacuum. Just move the vacuum all around in every possible spot.

Don’t be shy in using the handheld adjustment of vacuum to easily reach in between the seams, under, or above the infested furniture including electronics, carpets, bed, cupboard. Once you’re done, you can always seal up the content and throw it in a plastic bag. Also check out how to get rid of Gnats.

3. Secure your belongings

Wash all your clothes lying in the infested area immediately and if not then sealed up in a bag. When washing and drying, try keeping it in the highest setting to get bug-free clothes.

There could be those items as well that can’t be washed, you can keep them in a sealed bag, leaving these bugs to die. If you have furniture infested by bugs and it’s difficult for you to clean it then simply drop it to the junk.

4. Prepare to Treat bedbugs

Prepare to Treat bedbugs

Before finally getting into the actual process, first prepare your house for the treatment so that it won’t get ruined. Throw or deep wash all your linen clothing, accessories, or home improvement stuff.

Now, you must get rid of all their possible hiding places. Clear out the clutter lying around the house and replace the infested furniture or items with new ones. Don’t leave any cracks, spaces, or seems, and tape all the electric panels.

5. Kill the Bedbugs

There are many different ways of killing bedbugs, depending on the intensity of infestation. Some prefer using home remedies as they can work the best for them while others go for chemical products that let you achieve your target without wasting any time or effort.

6. Home remedies

There are quite a few home remedies that are easy to follow and the ingredients can be found at your home.

Home remedies
  • Try washing all your clothes and beddings in a high-temperature setting for at least an hour. Later on, increase your dryer setting also to the highest and dry them for at least 30 minutes, making sure it is disinfected.
  • If you want to keep your mattress and couches bug-free then try steamer to kill them automatically.
  • Put all your infested items that can’t be washed up in a sealed bag and leave them in an extremely hot environment like an oven or a hot car.
  • If you live in colder areas, then you can also seal the stuff and put the bag outside for a few months for complete removal. Instead, you also put the bag in the freezer for a week.

7. Store-bought Chemicals

For some people, these remedies aren’t enough to satisfy, so they can use different chemical products such as insecticides. Some of the insecticide types are as follows:

  • Pyrethrins are quite casually used by people for killing bugs making them the least effect on them.
  • Pyrrole is another type of insecticide that disrupts bed bugs’ cells to kill them.
  • Foggers are also useful to de-infested an area, however, they can’t be used in smaller or confined areas.
  • There’s a form of nicotine for bugs called Neonicotinoids that can impact the nervous system of a bug.

8. Monitor Affected Areas

The process of getting rid of bedbugs doesn’t work by trusting the products. You must have proof that all of them are either killed or gone only then you can sit in peace. After a week of completing the procedure try checking the infested areas to monitor any activity signs.

You can make monitoring easy using interceptors in highly infested areas. Inceptors can also catch these bugs before letting them reach you.

Monitor Affected Areas

9. Repeat the Process Frequently

Bedbugs are considered to be stubborn as once they ever get into the house, it gets really difficult to remove them. After completing the above process, you may be thinking your job’s done. But even after completing and following all the steps carefully, it’s still possible that they could retreat.

It is important to repeat the above-explained process after every two to three months for the complete removal of a bedbug infestation.

4 Signs That You May Have Bed Bugs

There are some quite clear signs stating that your house has been infested by bed bugs. Some of them are as follows:

  1. You’ll see red creatures 5 cm long moving about different furniture.
  2. Start finding dark spots everywhere. Can be bed bug droppings.
  3. Red marks on different surfaces from crushed bugs.
  4. Tiny and yellow-colored eggs or egg shells.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which chemical product works best for smaller areas like cracks and seams?

If you want to get the bugs in cracks and seams then plant oil-based products and pyrethroid sprays can work well reaching in all the parts.

What kills bed bugs immediately?

Bed bugs are sensitive to heat, thus high temperatures of steam reaching around 100 degrees can kill them.


Bed bugs aren’t easy to get rid of but if you know the right thing to do then it won’t be a burden on you. You can implement different ways to kill these bugs according to your ease and comfort. If you are good at DIYs then home remedies can always be a cheaper option but if you’re looking for faster ways then using chemicals can get you a long way.

However, once you’re done with the process, you can’t leave the infested area all relaxed. You must monitor and repeat the process after every interval to make sure these bed bugs won’t come back again. Moreover, having bugs in your house doesn’t always mean they’re bed bugs, seek a professional exterminator to identify the type of bugs you’re having.

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